Goodnight? or not?

Do you get tired? To the point where you can't do anything more? Your eyes become heavy, the bed looks comfy and sleep is the best thing you can do now?
So you turn off your screens, do your night care routine, get ready to go to bed and turn off the lights.

Only to find out you can't sleep.

I recently found myself in a situation like that. 

This started happening almost a week ago. I usually go to sleep by 12. That night, after I had finished all my to-do's for the day and my eyes were getting heavy, I realized it was time now to go to sleep. I got ready for bed, and turned off the lights. 
Almost as if on reflex, my eyes were wide open. Two minutes ago, my eyes were so heavy, they could close down any minute. But now, something happened and not one ounce of sleep was coming to me. I tossed and turned for a long time. Giving up the effort to get myself to sleep, I checked my phone to see the time. A bright screen showed 1:05 AM.

I couldn't sleep.

If I had to describe myself in a sentence, 'loves sleeping' would definitely be a part of it. It's true because I have always been an easy sleeper. I could sleep anywhere, anytime of the day. Nothing could stop me when I was sleepy. So, when this situation arose - of being tired all the time and not being able to sleep, I obviously stressed out. And like any other sane person, went on Google to find out what was happening to me.
In retrospect, I should have never searched the symptoms on Google because now I was even more stressed out than before.

Apparently, I had insomnia. Or at least, that's what Google said. This continued for the next few days. So, I looked out for things that could give me back my sleep. 

I started going to bed an hour earlier, stopped using phone/laptop an (almost) hour before I went to sleep, stopped taking caffeine in the evenings, made a special Sleep playlist on Spotify, wouldn't nap in the afternoons (not that I was napping in the afternoons, but I took the precaution just in case), I even took to my books- the really boring ones. But nothing helped.
A week later, I am sad to report that no solution has been found for this. Yet.
At one point, I almost asked my grandma for her sleeping pills. All I got was a shush and a death stare.  

As I write this, I'm still very tired. It's the middle of the day and I went to sleep earlier because my eyes hurt. But no sleep came.
I'm just hoping that I get a solution for this and get back my good night sleep because saying I miss sleep would definitely be an understatement. If anything, this experience has made me appreciate the importance of a good sleep. It's definitely easy to take sleep for granted until you're struggling to get it.

To anyone else struggling with a general lack of sleep and tiredness, I understand how challenging it can be, but don't give up hope. Keep trying different methods (google it :p), and hopefully, you'll find out what works for you.  

Till then, hoping that sleep comes to you soon and you have a good night.


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