

I was watching Parks and Recreation last year, when I came across this new concept called Galentine's Day. While this holiday may have been around for a long time (I think?), it definitely became popular and came into the mainstream after it was introduced by Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation  (S2 Ep18- if you wanna watch this, hehe).
Celebrated on 13th February, a day before the most romantic day of the year, Galentine's day centers on the love for the gal pals in your life and celebrates female friendships. 

Having studied in an all-girls school for 14 years of my life, it can be assumed that I had girl friends since my childhood.
BUT. That wasn't the case.
Till middle school, I did not have a close knit group of girl friends. I saw myself as not too girly and would pride myself for having more guy friends than girls since I firmly believed that 'all girls were drama' and that 'I wasn't like the other girls'.
I thought I was very cool. But I was 14. I was allowed to be this stupid. 

It was only later in life (case in point- my first heartbreak in class 10th) when I realized how important female friendships were. They went from being just friends who shared notes and study materials to people I could share everything with, trash talk about how stupid boys were, wallow and cry and not be judged. In them, I found my safe space. 

Throughout my school life, and then later in college, in workspaces and other social settings, I've found my group of girl friends who have stood by me through the lowest point of my life, been part of the happiest moments, and have always been supportive of the decisions I've made (even the bad ones :p).

From checking up on me, calling me even when I'm not in the mood for it, understanding periods when I absolutely go MIA and loving me nevertheless, for taking out time to meet up, for encouraging me in all my pursuits, for laughing at my bad jokes, for all the gossip, for rolling their eyes at me on my choice of men, for being the best wing women/partners in crime/hypewomen/bad bitches- I only hope they get to know the love I have for each of them.

In a world where women are pitted against each other and shown as jealous of each other, may we grow to help each other, stand up for each other, genuinely be happy for each other's successes and  raise our own tribe of women. 

Here's to you, girls! 💛

Happy Galentine's Day! :) 


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