Orange you glad October is here?

If you'd asked my 11-year-old self this question, the answer would have been a resounding YES. October was filled with so many things. As school students, I remember we would have had just finished with our half-yearly exams in September which meant there was no exam stress looming over us. October meant practices for our annual day play and sports day races. Exchange students would come to our school, giving us a chance to see boys (since we were in an all-girls school).We’d spend free hours in the art room painting diyas, enjoy extra-long practices for Dussehra and Diwali assemblies, and look forward to the week-long Diwali holidays, complete with plenty of sweets. It was the month of perfect weather for lazing on the school grounds during recess, going out for picnics, and more. Before I knew it, October quickly became one of my favorite months of the year. A month, we all would look forward to. As I write this, it's almost the end of October. Diwali will be celebrated at...