
Showing posts from September, 2023

Birthdays and other days.

As a kid, I was always excited about birthdays. My birthday, the birthdays of family and friends—literally everyone! No points for guessing why I would be excited for mine. But I was equally excited for other people's birthdays because there would be cake for everyone and we would all have fun, plus I could make cards for everyone( I genuinely enjoyed making cards for everyone, so win-win). I remember as a kid, I once asked a bhaiya (who must have been in his late 20s) if he was excited about his birthday, which was coming up in a week. The reply was a nonchalant "eh, yeah, it's just another day." The 8-year-old me couldn't fathom in her young mind why he wasn't excited for his birthday. Wasn't everyone supposed to be excited for their birthdays? Didn't they all have friends coming over in the evening for the birthday party? Didn't they receive gifts from everyone? Didn't they get the chance to distribute chocolates and sweets to everyone in